Canal work on Hochkreuzallee Residents fed up with ongoing construction and rising costs

Bonn · Residents have had enough of the construction mess on Hochkreuzallee. They are angry about extended work and rising costs.

“It’s getting on my nerves.” Marcus Flory is fed up with the construction zone on Hochkreuzallee. He and his neighbors have had to listen often enough as heavy machinery begins working at 6 a.m. He found it especially trying in the last weeks of summer.

Since November of last year, workers have been laying new sewage pipes between Bernkasteler Straße and Südstraße. If that wasn’t enough, residents have now been informed by the city that the street underground area is in bad shape and that also needs to be renewed.

For residents, that means work will be extended into at least the middle of October and costs will rise. Marcel Schmitt of the activist group Bürger Bund Bonn (BBB) is angry and says it is not the first time that an underground area has been declared unfit while workers replaced sewage pipes, and then residents were asked to pay for a renewal. He sees it as a ploy and his group sent an inquiry to the City of Bonn about the situation.

The city press office did not want to comment on the topic when asked by General Anzeiger on Tuesday for their response. Deputy spokesperson Marc Hoffman referred to the BBB inquiry and said they wanted to respond to that before giving out any statements.

If the city raises the original assessment of 9,000 euros, some neighbors say they will hire an attorney. Flory says, “That the city tries to do that is clear. But I won’t pay it.”

He added that a complete sanitation of the area should have been undertaken instead of the piecemeal improvements. The neighborhood would wish for a sensible and well-calculated plan, better communicated next time. “This must be possible,” said Flory. (Orig. text: Fabian Vögtle)

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