City council considers new building Factions debate demolition of Bonn’s opera house

Bonn · The 52-year-old opera house in Bonn might be knocked soon. The majority of the city council wants to consider a new building rather than renovating the old one. The city hall might face a similar future.

The debate about the future of the opera house was turned changed surprisingly during the last meeting of the city council: As an alternative plan, the administration is now examining the option of demolishing the 52 year old opera house and building a new building instead of renovating it. Christian Democrats (CDU), Social Democrats (SPD) and the Free Democrats (FDP) agreed on this. A new house for musical plays and theatre productions could be build on the current site.

The CDU is also discussing knocking the listed building of the historical city hall in Bad Godesberg too and building a new theatre in the same spot. Just two weeks ago, the SPD failed to convince the committees with the proposal for a new building. But the CDU faction leader Klaus-Peter Gilles gathered support behind the scenes.

Rumor has it that he managed to convince his own faction as well the FDP. The Green Party as coalition partner remain skeptical, but the majority for the proposal now holds certain. Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan (CDU) approves also: „Looking at the exorbitant renovation costs it can only be right to consider the economical benefit of a new building.“ Sridharan’s administration had suggested to renovate the opera and the Godesberg theatre within the next ten years. The current calculations suggest an estimate costs of 109 million Euro in total for both buildings.

„The renovations will not lead to an attractive result despite the high costs“m explained Gilles on Friday. „A new building would be a commitment to opera and drama, but in a modern setting.“ Necessary measures related to safety need to be taken care of immediately. In both opera and Godesberg theatre there are massive shortcomings when it comes to fire safety. Accroding to GA information, Gilles favours selling the opera site and a new building instead of the city hall. For the latter the protection status would need to be lifted, in case it is necessary even by the North Rhine-Westphalian minister for construction.

Bernhard Helmich, general manager of the theater, reacted cautiously. No theatre manager would be against a „beautiful new building“, he told the GA. „Every possible solution must guarantee a continuous playing schedule for us though.“ Original text: Andreas Baumann and Lisa Inhoffen Translation: Mareike Graepel

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