Marktplatz Bonn New water station

Bonn · A new water station in the city center means people can fill up their water bottles or rinse off their fruit from the outdoor market. It also benefits developing countries.

It’s a great thing for customers and also for those who run their outdoor produce markets in the Bonn city center. It is a new water station. For people who want to rinse off the fresh fruit they just bought so they can eat it right away, or for those who want to fill up their water bottles, it’s an addition that will certainly be put to good use.

Although it looks a bit gray and invisible, it is a functional water station and even Mayor Ashok Sridharan came for a little dedication ceremony. It was the market owners and market guild who donated 5,500 euros to establish the free water station.

Not only is the water a convenience for visitors to the city, but it also fulfills a greater purpose. The organization “Join the pipe” is all about improving access to water throughout the world. For every water station erected in Europe, a water and hygiene project gets sponsored in a developing country.

Bonn is one of the first cities in Germany to jump on board with the project. “I hope very much that Bonn can set a good example for many cities and communities, that they too will decide to put up water stations,” said Mayor Sridharan. The fountain also works in cold, frosty weather so it will be an all-season service.

Orig. text: Lisa Inhoffen

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