Illumination of cathedral Cologne Cathedral to become illuminated work of art

COLOGNE · As Germany’s best known church, Cologne cathedral is to be illuminated to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War and to send a clear message of peace to the world.

Cologne cathedral is to become a “beacon of peace”: 100 years after the end of the First World War, the metropolitan chapter announced on Monday that for the first time in the cathedral’s history, 19 projectors will throw a moving image illumination accompanied by background music onto its south façade. The action also aims to send a signal against hate and harassment in the current social debate.

The project is part of the cathedral pilgrimage from 27 to 30 September. The illumination will take place on five evenings from 26 September. Minister President Armin Laschet, among others, is expected to speak at the opening on Wednesday. Cathedral provost Gerd Bachner said the pilgrimage and illumination were to commemorate the end of the First World War and to be “a fundamental plea for a peaceful co-existence. If we follow current media reports, we should be alarmed that hatred and harassment are again setting the tone in some parts of Germany.” The prominence of the cathedral as Germany’s best known church should therefore be used “to send a clear message to the world.”

(Original text: AFP. Translation: kc)

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