26-year-old dies in Mehlem Accident with emergency doctor vehicle to be closely investigated

Bonn · The search for evidence continues after a 26-year-old pedestrian was fatally injured in the collision between an emergency doctor vehicle and a taxi in Bonn on Saturday. How did the accident happen?

Many of the details surrounding the accident between an emergency doctor vehicle and a taxi in Mehlem, in which a 26-year-old woman died on Saturday, are still unclear.

“An expert has been called in and is investigating the difficult circumstances of the accident, in consultation with the police and the public prosecutor’s office,” police spokesperson Robert Scholten told the GA on Monday. Data recorded by the emergency doctor vehicle during its journey is also currently being evaluated.

It was on the B9 on the way to an emergency with its blue light and siren on. When it drove through a red light at the junction with Drachenburgstraße, it collided with a taxi. The young woman was hit by the skidding emergency doctor vehicle. Three passengers suffered serious injuries.

Paragraphs 35 and 38 of the Road Traffic Regulations regulate the special rights of emergency vehicles. These state they can drive through a red light, for example, “if the utmost urgency is called for, to save human lives or avert serious damage to health.”

“However, this does not absolve the emergency services from the need to be cautious,” says Scholten. It is usual to drive cautiously into intersections– even if the blue light is switched on. Daily experience shows that road users do not notice the warning signals in time, “For example, if they are listening to loud music in the car.”

(Original text: Nicolas Ottersbach / Translation: kc)

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