Campaign week against alcohol and drugs Bonn police step up checks on motorists

Bonn · Police in NRW are starting increased checks on motorists for alcohol and drugs on Monday. Bonn police are also taking part in the campaign week.

The NRW police campaign week against alcohol and drug consumption while driving starts on Monday. The European police network Tispol called for the action. Bonn police are taking part in the increased checks from Monday 10 December to Sunday 17 December.

“It’s the time for Christmas parties and markets. Drivers must therefore expect more checks to be carried out. The campaign week by the European network Tispol is an event we have gladly taken part in,” said Simon Rott from the Bonn police press office.

In addition to alcohol tests, where possible drug use is suspected, a check will be carried out as a matter of course said the Bonn police spokesperson. Signs of this are, for example, uncontrolled speech, dilated pupils or altered light reflections. On the spot tests include urine tests or the use of test strips.

Appeal by the European police network Tispol

The European police network Tispol has long supported the campaign against drug and alcohol consumption while driving and is appealing to all European countries to take part. A similar campaign week took place last year.

“Driving after consuming alcohol is dangerous and also illegal if the drink drive limits have been exceeded. Even with lower alcohol levels, drivers will have slower reactions, poor judgement of speed and reduced coordination and concentration while driving,” said Tispol president Paolo Cestra, explaining the reasons for the special measures described on the Tispol website.

(Original text: / Translation: kc)

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