Last school days for Abitur students Bonn’s pupils pick their party themes

BONN · If you see strange looking teenagers in the tram, or on the streets these days - don’t worry: They are this year’s high school final year students…

With music blasting from some portable speakers the female students are walking through the corridors. During the „Asi Day“, they wear white tennis socks and cheap flip-flops, plastic shopping bags are dangling rhythmically against the handrail of the wooden staircase of the Liebfrauenschule. Just in front of a classroom, they shush each other. „All ready to go? Okay? Let’s go!“ whispers the first girl in the group.

Then neither the chemistry teacher nor the younger students know what’s happening to them - the party girls are dancing and jumping through the room, leaving the others no option other than waiting and smiling. After five minutes, the whole spook is over, and only the words „Abitur 2018“ are left behind, drawn on the blackboard.

This week, 2250 Bonn students from 19 high schools and five comprehensive schools are enjoying their last days as pupils. On the finishing straight before their exams, they celebrate with special party themes, counting down the days, and waving goodbye to teachers and fellow pupils with a prank.

For months, the committees have prepared for the time between now and the presentation of the certificates, have planned the high school ball, calculated the year’s financial situation, and decided on the party themes. To pay for the events, which easily cost several thousand Euro, concerts and public parties have been organised, and countless waffles sold during the intermission times in the schools.

„It all got more and more professional over the years, the jokes though got more well-behaved and unpolitical“, says Gabriele Dafft, who works for the LVR instate for regional studies and who examined the tradition of high school party themes. They first appeared during the 1980s and were nothing more than an event on the last school day. „Those were pranks like pouring manure onto the school yard…“

During the 1990s and Noughties, real stage shows appeared, during which the entire school had to be entertained. „It’s like a competition which year can stage the most impressive show.“ As a new development, themed party weeks were added. Instead of confronting teachers and principals, the students are more and more cooperating with them. „Conditions how the prank can be done are discussed beforehand“, says Dafft.

Some schools didn’t allow certain themes, like the Liebfrauenschule who did not permit „Abicolada“ as a theme, as that may trivialise alcoholism. Instead, school and pupils agreed on „ Abidancing – Time of our lifes“.

The Hardtberg-Gymnasium decided on „Abiós Amigos – 12 years of Siesta, finally holidays“, the Beuel comprehensive school chose „The Abi᠆games – District 13 storms the Capitol“.

„Looking back on the past years, the themes and party weeks seem to be quite similar“, says teacher Alexandra Benner. „But they are also funny.“ Her students dressed like childhood heroes or came to school in their pyjamas. Others gave the „Asi-Day“ a surprising depth: Instead of dressing in jogging trousers, they came in suit and tie, to denounce the bosses of controversial and exploitative companies as the real anti-socials.

No matter how the themed parties are being celebrated the last school days are always emotional. „It is kind of sad to go, after having spend so much time together“, explains one student. There is the fear that some friendships might break up, because the students will be in different university cities. „The sheltered time is over, during which we had no real worries.“

This raises issues about the future too. „Only very few pupils have a plan what they want to do after school“, says on young man. There may be vague directions like dentistry, event management or „something in the media“. But in the end, everything is connected to the Numerus Clausus. And the NC annoys most final year students: Especially popular subjects like medicine seem to be unreachable due to high demands in results. One last chance remains: The exams which bring the most points are still to be written.

This Friday, motorcades will drive through the city centre. They had to registered with the police. The main meeting point for the students is the Abifestival on the Rigal'schen Wiese.

(Original text: Nicolas Ottersbach, Translation: Mareike Graepel)

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