Translation in 33 languages Integration office provides interpreters

Bonn · A large number of interpreters are available through the City of Bonn to help those from other countries who find themselves needing assistance. Clients are charged a reasonable fee.

The Integration Office of the City of Bonn provides interpreters for those in need. Currently, a pool of 52 translators is available, speaking 33 different languages. Their services can be requested through Bonn counseling centers, public authorities, day-care centers and schools, non-profit organizations and doctors.

Interpreters pledge to maintain secrecy about the persons, data and contents which become known to them through their translation activities. Clients pay the interpreters a fee for their services. For oral translation, the fee is nine euros for each half hour.

The following languages are offered by the interpreters: Arabic, Badhini, Berber, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dari, English, Farsi, French, Georgian, Hindi, Italian, Croatian, Latvian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi , Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Tajik, Tigrinja, Turkish, Hungarian and Urdu.

Contact information: Stabsstelle Integration (Integration Office), 0228/77 31 01, E-Mail

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