Bonn’s Lord Mayor to attend UN talks in New York Climate change on the agenda

Bonn/New York · Climate change and its consequences are on the agenda of a United Nations themed week. Bonn plays a major role in the commitment by non-state players like cities and regions. Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan is on his way to New York to attend talks.

Climate change and its consequences are on the agenda of a United Nations themed week. Bonn plays a major role in the commitment by non-state players like cities and regions. Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan is on his way to New York to attend talks. He will be taking part in talks on Sunday and Monday, meeting high-ranking representatives of economy, science and society to discuss how cities and regions can contribute in the realization of the Paris climate agreement. He has been invited by UN general secretary António Guterres.

Sridharan will also take part in the founding meeting of the „Cllimate Action Leadership Network“, to which he has been invited by executive secretary of the UN climate secretariat, Patricia Espinosa. The network is a collective initiative by Morocco and Fiji, the current and designated presidency of the world climate conference. The network aims to advance the climate targets at regional and local levels until 2020.

Original text: hbl, Translation: Mareike Graepel

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