World Tourism Day Bonn participates with interactive portal

Bonn · World Tourism Day has also arrived in Bonn. Under the motto, “Tourism for all,” Bonn firm Kippdata established an interactive online portal to display all the sights.

The tourism industry is one of the biggest branches of trade in the world. It’s why the World Tourism Organization has declared September 27 as World Tourism Day (WTD). The day is to draw attention to the social groups which are not normally the focus of the usual tourist offers.

In Bonn, there is a special initiative from the firm Kippdata. It has brought Bonn tourist sights to life. Various organizations and institutions have contributed pictures to a map portal to show current and diverse pictures of Bonn and the region. “In keeping with this year’s motto of the WTD, the initiative in Bonn is not only about the popular tourist destinations, but also about the overall picture of Bonn as a city in which people are committed to helping each other,” describes Kippdata.

According to Kippdata, they specifically invited organizations to participate which are working for needy people. Kippdata donates 50 euro to Sterntaler e.V. Bonn for each contribution from a participant.

The interactive map portal shows the “Bonner Ansichten” (Bonn sights). Up on the right are the different categories:

  • Essen und Trinken (Food and Drink)
  • Freizeit und Sport (Leisure and Sport)
  • Gewerbe und Handwerk (Trace and Handcraft)
  • Kunst und Kultur (Art and Culture)
  • Politik und Gesellschaft (Politics and Society)
  • Veranstaltungen (Events)
  • Wissenschaft und Bildung (Science and Education)

When you click a symbol on the map, it shows more information (in German). Another click and it goes away. If you click on a category, it lists various places or subcategories which you can again click on and see a picture or get more information.

(Orig. text: Carolin Hombach)

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