Lecture on animal domestication A walk in the footsteps of Charles Darwin

Bonn · What’s the difference between pets and similar wild animals? Why is a Lipizzan different to a wild horse? One of the world’s most famous genomics experts, Professor Leif Andersson of the University of Uppsala in Sweden is coming to Bonn to talk about animal domestication - in English.

 Horse and hound were once wild animals: How did their domestication come about? Professor Andersson will hold a lecture on the subject in Bonn tonight.

Horse and hound were once wild animals: How did their domestication come about? Professor Andersson will hold a lecture on the subject in Bonn tonight.

Foto: GA

Pets are as much part of the development of human life as dancing, music and cooking. Without them our life would be more arduous, insecure and there would be less to take delight in. In the process of our phylogeny we domesticated several wild animals. But how did the rabbit living in the wild become the stable bunny?

Prof Leif Andersson, from the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology at the Uppsala University in Sweden, is a world famous genomics expert. He is following in the steps of Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary biology. Mr Andersson is coming to Bonn on Thursday, May 24, to speak at the auditorium in the science centre „caesar“ at 7pm and to give some surprising answers to the above questions.

The lecture will be held in English. U. Benjamin Kaupp, Emeritus Director of the caesar foundation says: „As the seats are limited in the auditorium, early arrival is recommended, around 6.30pm. We expect a good attendance.“

Please note: The lecture will be recorded and shown online. Sections of the audience might be visible in the video. (Translation: Mareike Graepel)

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